Baking and Brioche

Foccasia Bread


Refined flour: 125 g
Yeast (fresh): 5 g
Sugar (10 g)
Olive oil, 20 ml
Salt (5 g)
Warm water: 60–70 ml
Fresh herbs, 1 tbl
Bell pepper
Exhautic herbs
Chilli Tomatos

Baking process

  • Dissolve it in lukewarm water and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Combine malt, flour, milk, olive oil, and salt in a mixer bowl.
  • Start kneading the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Let the dough rise until it doubles in size.
  • Prepare a baking pan, grease it with olive oil.
  • Transfer the double dough to the baking pan and spread it evenly using your fingers or a rolling pin.


  • After baking, garnish the focaccia with a few fresh herb leaves for a pop of color and freshness.
  • Serve the focaccia on a wooden cutting board or a decorative platter to enhance its presentation.


  • Foccassia in a preheated oven underly turns golden brown.
  • Baking temperature: 200 °F.
  • Time: 20–25 min.

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